Reunion – Class of 1943
Milestone reunion!
The 1943 graduating classes will be having their 75th reunion on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Steinmetz,
starting at 11:00AM.
Hosted by the Steinmetz Alumni Association and Steinmetz College Prep.
To maintain friendships developed while undergraduates
Milestone reunion!
The 1943 graduating classes will be having their 75th reunion on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Steinmetz,
starting at 11:00AM.
Hosted by the Steinmetz Alumni Association and Steinmetz College Prep.
Upcoming Reunions! Spread the word!
Our Fall newsletter mailing will take place on Saturday October 20, 2018.
This is a huge task and your help would be appreciated.
The more people we have, the faster it will go!
Come to help out, reminisce, and have fun and enjoy free refreshments!