The Steinmetz Alumni Association
In the Spring of 1946, a group of class leaders were assembled and addressed by Mr. Henzie. He spoke about the great possibilities of an Alumni Association which would consolidate all graduating classes into one body and as a result of this meeting, the Steinmetz Alumni Association was organized. Representatives from each class were located and class lists were brought up to date.
During the years that followed the alumni held dances in the school gymnasium and in hotels and clubs. They also planned and mailed newsletters to the alumni so that the alumni could be informed of the activities of the association and also know what some of their former classmates were doing. After a few years the alumni decided to incorporate, and a board of directors was set up consisting of the four officers and one other governor.
In 1951, the alumni participated in the presentation of a plaque when the library at Steinmetz was called Fitzgerald Hall, after the former principal.
The alumni chorus was organized under the director of Walter Wolodkin, and we find that this same chorus played an important part in the variety musical show that the alumni presented. The variety show made it possible for the alumni to give the Steinmetz Baseball Team new uniforms.
The growth of this organization has been possible because of the many able officers and governors that have devoted many hours toward the success of the organization. It is certainly hoped that future alumni will work together with the alumni of yesterday and thus help build a bigger and stronger organization.
Among the many activities were the bowling league, the annual picnic, a fall dance, and the various class reunions held every year.
It is encouraging to know that one will be able to continue friendships started at Steinmetz through membership in the Alumni Association. Their meetings and social activities give much opportunity for graduates to talk over their different experiences and achievements.