Monday, April 15, 2019
Elmwood Park Recreation Dept
2 Conti Pkwy, Elmwood Park, IL 60707
Join us at our monthly Governor’s meeting! Learn all about what the Alumni Association is planning and see how you can help!
Become a class Governor, and help us plan and host events.
The Alumni Association needs new members and volunteers! We need younger graduates of Steinmetz to step up and take their places as loyal Steinmetz Alumni. When you have a reunion and you know of someone who is not a member of the Steinmetz Alumni Association, ask him or her to join. Without new members, we cannot survive. It’s a mere handful of us running the Association right now, and we need more Alumni Volunteers (friends and family are welcome too)to help with events and ideas!
We also need Alumni from the classes of 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s to become governors to represent their classes. Come, meet us and find out what we are all about and how you can help.