1 Year Before the Reunion or Sooner
Get Organized !!
Contact the Alumni Association!!! Use the Contact Us page and select “Reunions” from the drop down menu and let us know that you are planning a reunion. Please include all contact information!
When starting to plan your reunion,make sure that you have contacted all the appropriate class officers to avoid having two different committees planning the same reunion. (You may laugh, but this happens and it’s not fun when the class to receives invitations with different days for the same reunion). Always make sure your Class President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer have been all been contacted to avoid such a situation.
Set up committee, collect seed money, begin people search.
Determine who will be the Reunion Chairman. This person will schedule and facilitate meetings. They usually will do the public speaking and MC at the reunion. Included in this are: the welcome introduction and thanks to the reunion committee, dinner announcement and a moment of silence for deceased classmates, awards and announcements.
The Treasurer will- to keep track of budgeting, funds collected, bills, payments and receipts. It is recommended to have two signatures required on your checking account so payments are agreed to by at least two people before they are made.
Once a committee is formed, contact the Alumni Association for a class list
Decide when and where to have reunion – Contact the Alumni Association with the location, date, time and any other details about your reunions.
Create a Budget
Set up budget and select ticket price (Examples of Budget items are located in this section)
The Foundation
Send first announcement via First Class Mail or email.
Hint: When the words “Return Service Requested” is written above the address, the Post Office will return the item with new address or reason for nondelivery attached (in either case, no charge).
Hint: use a bright colored label to get the attention of your classmates.
If you have a problem with needing money to start your reunion – (mailing your first notice is expensive) – have a planning meeting and ask each attendee to pre-pay their ticket fee. Make your reunion self-supporting by planning ahead!
Post your reunion information on as many websites as you can, Ask the alumni association to post your event on our website, Yahoo Group, and Facebook Page. Many local newspapers also allow you to print your reunion information for free. Remember to include the date, time, location, price and contact information.
Request personal biographies, pictures, etc. for handouts and memory albums
Select entertainment and photographer
Plan events, activities and games
Design a slide show or video
Open bank account
Make files and organize paperwork
9 Months Before the Reunion
Create an Ambiance
Create and order mementos and souvenirs, memory albums, name tags, etc.
Design and order tickets and acknowledgment postcards
Consider possible social action project
Hire videographer/photographer
Edit personal histories, videos or other reunion handout or display
Seek businesses to donate to the reunion. (Perhaps “sell” advertisement space in your Reunion Book”.
Getting People There
Meet with committee regularly to make phone calls or exchange emails
Invite special guests
Prepare and send second announcement
6 Months Before the Reunion
Reunion Decor
Plan decorations, displays and centerpieces
Edit personal histories, update address list, continue phone drive
Order t-shirts and banner and other mementos as souvenirs, awards and door prizes
3 Months Before the Reunion
Update address list, edit histories, continue phone/email drive
Get event insurance
Rent a dance floor
Send reminder notices
Start making name tags
Make table centerpieces
Prepare photo collage, signs and door prize coupons
Prepare printed program and oral program including special announcements
1 Month Before the Reunion
Edit personal histories, update address list, continue name tags and phone drive
Send reminder postcards
Select preliminary award winners
Make signs for registration area
2 Weeks Before the Reunion
Final Arrangements
Mail tickets
Verify event attendance, prepare list of paid guests
Confirm logistics with the entertainer, videographer, photographer, balloon
supplier, florists and other vendors
Verify attendance and make accommodations, if necessary, for invited guests
Finalize program announcements and award winners
Verify delivery of donated door prizes
Proof memory album draft or other handout and give artwork to printer
1 Week Before the Reunion
Prepare final list of paid attendees
Prepare registration packets including pre-paid and will call
Make signs for registration tables and contingency plan
Give meal count to caterer and final payment to facility
Verify room set up and equipment arrangements with the banquet manager
The Reunion Event
It’s Reunion Time
Bring reunion day checklist, retrieve supplies at end of reunion
Take a laptop computer with you to your next reunion so you can verify and update the contact information on the spot! (Don’t forget to get their email address and cell phone number.)
Finalize photo book and send to photographer
Send memory albums and other hand-outs to those who paid but did not attend
- Send prepared documents to individual purchasers
Send thank you notes, follow up letters, donations
Close bank account once all checks have cleared
Store reunion supplies in convenient location
The Alumni Association can hold your left over money, to be used for start-up costs of your next class reunion.
Resources and Planning Tools:
Paypal.com – For accepting online payments for tickets.
Eventbrite – Post event on the web and sell tickets online.
TicketLeap.com – Sell tickets to your event online.
Brown Paper Tickets – Ticket buyers pay just $0.99 + 3.5%, including delivery and credit card processing! Post your event for free and experience the power of Brown Paper Tickets!
Organization Tools:
Google Docs – Set up RSVP forms and various financial tracking documents to be shared with planning committee.
Open Office.org – Free document software, similar to MS Office, but free.
Avery Wizard for Microsoft® Office – Requires MS Office – Make invitations, table cards, name badges, signs, address labels, and other printed media for your reunion. Uses your own printer and ink.
If you would rather leave the printing to someone else, there are a few services that can help you. Always check for local printers in your area! They may be able to give you a better price.
Office depot, Staples, and FedEx office allow you to design online or upload your design, and then send your design to the closest location for printing and pickup. Vistaprint and jakprints are online only and will print and ship it to you.
Office Depot
Fedex Office
Photo Uploading/Sharing
Flickr – http://www.flickr.com/
Photobucket – http://photobucket.com/
Instagram – instagram.com
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com
Tumblr – http://www.tumblr.com
We can also upload your reunion photos to our Facebook Page and/or make a gallery on our website if you like. Please contact us for more details.